The Guided Millenial

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Love Yourz Pt. II

So you really thought that I would drop 5 keys on you and that would be it?

not at all.

I’m back again with a few more personal reminders & I even got some help from some pretty wise individuals.

Let’s keep this going!

  1. I Come First

Your healing, your sanity, your wants, your needs, your dreams, your realities, everything that is you comes before any other human being on this earth. Life can become very difficult and when that happens you have to take the time to preserve your energy and rebuild the strength that was lost. To protect your energy it’s okay to:

cancel an appointment

not answer that call

change your mind

want to be alone

take a day off & do absolutely nothing

speak up

let go of something or someone etc.

Re-set, re-adjust, re-start and even re-focus as many times as you have to and please make sure you’re taking time to self reflect. Often times we think we’re doing everything right and may eventually be becoming someone that we don’t like. Replenish and restore what’s been lost ranging from your faith to your strength mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally. Revamp old patterns, ideas, beliefs or ways of thinking to shift towards a positive change in your life.

Reflect on where you are and where you want to go.

Staying happy is a must. Praying is a must. Ignoring negativity is a must. Staying focused is a must. Remaining humble and grateful is a must. Putting yourself first is a must.

Guard your heart and your mind but don’t forget everyone has a heart too. God doesn’t want his children accessible to every person or thing. No longer provide a healing space for people who only come to take. Require more and make them meet you halfway, proving their worth to not only be able to take from but release back into a wonderful being.

2. Trust God

Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV) states “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight”. This scripture and many like it have kept me going through some of the most difficult and confusing times. Understanding that any and everything that can come my way works out for my ultimate good (Romans 8:28) is so reassuring because I know through this lesson, through this trial, my faith will be strengthened. Trusting God wholeheartedly requires me to completely surrender. That surrenderance comes with uncomfortability and becoming uncomfortable is necessary for my growth. You have to get to a place where all you want is God’s perfect will (God’s foreordained purpose and plan that will not change). Instead of settling for what you think you may need or what you may think is all you deserve, you can accept the perfect plan that He has for your life seeing as though it’ll be 10x greater than anything you could imagine. A fellow writer once said,

“Deuteronomy 31:6 is God’s promise to stand by us in pain and in peace. He’s not going anywhere. So please trust Him even when it feels like your prayers are floating into nothingness, even when it feels like He’s not listening. HE IS! He knows what we need and He will show us in time.”

Another blogger, Veronica Dillard, said

Making the decision to allow God to groom me into the women that He wants me to become, taking full control over my life, was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I have peace, joy, happiness, patience and I am blessed more than I could ever imagine. What God has for me no man can take away so I trust Him. In spite of what I see, in spite of what I’m going through and even if I have to let go of something I want to hold onto. I trust Him. With Him, ANYTHING is possible.

Some other scriptures I love: Philippians 4:13, 1 Peter 5:7, Psalm 118:6-9, Psalm 23, Ephesians 3:20-21

When life becomes difficult, remember that you cannot control your circumstances but you can control your responses. It is not only about perception but how you choose to live based off of your perceived reality. Keep fighting. Keep pushing. Keep striving to achieve these goals. You will mess up, you will stumble and sometimes fall but remember to always pick yourself back up. Most importantly remember grace. There is nothing that you can do that He could not forgive you for. We are undeserving but His grace is renewed every morning.

May God bless the woman/man deep within you and the person you are trying to be. May He mend where your heart is broken, and fill every empty space. May God erase the fear of your past,  to create in you a brighter future. May He make you slow to anger and quick to forgive.

In those silent moments when all you have is you, pay attention to the ways that your inner words and thoughts make you feel. Clear out anything that is habitually destructive by diving to the root, being honest and reflective and loving your way through it. You deserve it ALL. You deserve to be loved, to be cherished, to be patiently longed for, to be cared for and you deserve greatness. The result of it all is a deeper relationship and understanding of YOU, and the meaningful lessons that come with the remembrance of who you are at the core. – YellaSoul

Other positive suggestions made by my fellow facebook friends:

  1. The breakdown usually comes before the breakthrough

  2. Always look at the glass as half full instead of half empty

  3. I’m more than enough and greatness is in my DNA so I’m destined to make great strides and accomplish great things

  4. There’s no competition better than your inner self. Be better than yesterday’s self. The future is yours.

  5. It’s not as bad as it could be. You’re still here. Difficult doesn’t mean impossible

  6. My attitude won’t adjust the situation, only action

  7. Affirmations! (Ex. I am healthy, I am wise etc.)

  8. If being successful were easy, everyone would do it

  9. I am still beyond blessed to experience more than a fraction of a second on this Earth. God has allowed me to wake up everyday through today and each one has been a lesson and a blessing. Every skyscraper has a foundation and every mountain has a peak starting from a low point. My peak is coming!

  10. Remember you have a new chapter coming, you’re almost there!

  11. I have been created with a purpose; built to feed a need on the earth that only I can do. I am the strategy.

Until next time <3