The Guided Millenial

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Love Yourz

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WHAT'S the first thing you say to yourself when waking up? What are your habitual thought patterns like when YOU are the only one around to listen? The way you speak to yourself can invigorate you or cause you to self destruct.
– YellaSoul

How often do you appreciate you? How often do you tell yourself “I love you”, “I’m proud of the things you’ve accomplished whether small or large” or even tell yourself that everything will get better?

When writing The Story of Jane Doe my little sister brought to my attention how I’ve never really reflected on my own progress. If Jane Doe was apart of me and utilized to restore what I lost, have I noticed a progression or am I simply just using her as a space to settle in? I realized in that moment that I uplift and motivate those around me but tend to lack doing that for myself.

This post is an ode to us:

Those who live life motivating others but fail to turn those positive sayings around for themselves.

Those of us overthinkers, so wrapped up in processing and analyzing the darkness we’ve conquered that we forget to thank ourselves and God for even fighting to reach the sun.

Those of us so caught up with life that we don’t take the time to congratulate ourselves for the small things.

I want to share a few phrases that I feel we as humans should remind ourselves of every chance we get to lift up our spirits and keep us pushing through life. It’s important for us to pour back into ourselves as we do for others.

  1. It’s Okay!

Society, your surrounding environment and even your family have a funny way of making you feel less than; like you’re behind and need to catch up. Let me tell you something: LIFE IS NOT A RACE!. You do not have to level up to your older/younger relatives or your close friends. Your path is not their path and you may have to go into a different direction than anyone in your life may understand. It is COMPLETELY okay if you are lost, if you are in need of some help, if you feel that at this moment you can’t handle or take on a challenge alone or even if you feel that you’re scared to move forward. Male or female. Young adult or older. You don’t have to put on a front for anyone. I had to come to the realization that I don’t have it all together yet and that’s fine! Even Superman had to turn back into Clark Kent to simply rejuvenate and refocus.

Take the time to get yourself back on track and focus on what it is that YOU want. Don’t allow others to make you feel like where you’re going or what you’re doing is not good enough or that you’re not progressing fast enough. Embrace where you’re at but just know you can’t stay there too long. There’s power within you and soon it’ll be pushing you to reach greater. Own your truths and stand in them comfortably. Accept who you are. No one can make you feel bad about you unless you give them the power to.

2. I Am Not My Past Mistakes.

We have all done, said or even thought things that we are not proud of. We’ve made some horrible mistakes but if we wholeheartedly make a change to be and do better then we do not need to wallow in the past anymore. Our enemies love to remind us of our flaws and expect for us, in that moment, to fall right back into the mindset we were in before. Our minds from time to time even reach back into those dark days and we may struggle to pull ourselves out of that despair.

I’m here to tell you that you are not your past and you are definitely not your parent’s mistakes.

Take the time to forgive yourself for the things that you have done, forgive those that have hurt you and move past it. A person who understands that their past does not dictate their future though it may surface from time to time realizes that it can be served as a reminder that you are not who you used to be versus a constant replay of what once was. People will only bring up these things to keep you down but BELIEVE that you are greater than your faults. The curse is broken and you do not have to carry the weight of those before you. Phrases like “you’re weak”, “you’ll be nothing just like your mother/father”, “remember all the things you’ve done?” shouldn’t keep you complacent. YOU have the power, the question is: will you forfeit it to your past or let it thrust you into greatness?

3. Wait/Be Patient Beloved

Delayed Gratification. A concept that a select few in the 21st century understand. Whether it’s something we wish for, something we feel we need or even the things we feel like we deserve or are entitled to, we want it all right when we want it. No one wants to work for anything or allow themselves to truly be ready. There is purpose within the process. You must be effectively groomed and prepared to appreciate what is coming up next. People today want an increase in finances but cannot handle or budget what they have now. People want to be in a relationship and married but cannot love themselves or those have wronged them.

Wait my love because you just may not be as ready as you think.

There is something to be learned in THIS season but you won’t receive it because you’re too worried about what should be happening in the next. Often times our blessing is in arm’s reach but we try our best to receive it faster not knowing that rushing can ruin it altogether. If God gives us a sneak peek and we’re acting crazy, just imagine if he told us all the details. You can wait a little longer because when it actually happens you’ll understand why the wait was necessary and appreciate it that much more.

4. I AM ..

Enough. Worthy. Special. Loved. Important. Powerful. Mighty. Unique. Beautiful. Smart. Blessed. Gifted. Talented. Happy. Strong. Important. Covered in the blood. I am prayed for. I have a purpose. I am a King/Queen. I am who I say I am. I am who GOD says I am.

No matter what obstacles are thrown your way, no matter who decides to leave you and no matter what people say, don’t EVER forget these things. Don’t ever let your circumstances hinder you from remembering them. Speak life into your situations and speak positive things into your life! You are made in the image of the most high and have a specific purpose on this earth. Walk like you have favor over your life! Even if you don’t truly believe these things, say them until you do. There are more people who love you and want you to succeed than those who want to see you fail .. Including me!

5. Remember Your Worth

People don’t automatically deserve your energy, your time, your love, your attention or anything you have to offer. Make people WORK for that privilege.

As humans who are reconstructing themselves to grow into new lights, we have taken too much time to make sure we’re okay for someone else to come in and create chaos in the midst of that.

If you don’t have it together completely hold off on that relationship. If they’re not helping you as a friend, remove them. Boundaries in my opinion aren’t for keeping people out but keeping your energy in. You cannot MAKE people see your worth but if you know how amazing you truly are, there are things you simply won’t allow. At the end of the day the real question is do YOU even know your worth?

But you ain't never gon' be happy till you love yours - J. Cole

This is just the beginning