The Guided Millenial

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What's So Special About THIS Blog?

“I don’t want this to just be another blog. I want it to mean something!” – Jane Doe

In today’s creative society, often times we find a passion in expressing ourselves. Whether it is through a blog, creating our own website, producing a podcast or hosting events, we like to share, expand and influence those to be as poetic in their expression as we are. Blogging has become a trend utilized by many of my peers who seek to convey their views or emotions openly to the public. We have blogs on careers, on religion and even on everyday life for the man or woman.

You may have seen this pop up and start to think, “here’s yet another blog” or “okay so you have a blog too? we already have enough”. Trust me. I have thought about all of these comments and even asked myself what would your blog have to offer? What makes this different? What will you say to keep your readers engaged or will you even have readers? I don’t want this to just be something you all sign up for just to make me feel good or just to have another blog coming to your email.

I want it to truly mean something.

To start a conversation.

To stir up old wounds and old thoughts to influence a healing.

To get people thinking consciously about how important of a role they play in society today.

Transformation from the ground up.

An awakening to solve the identity crisis we as millennial’s struggle with everyday.

The Guided Millennial was created and born FIRST by the help of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who gave me a vision that in this day in age we want to be successful, remembered and important but for all the wrong reasons. We want to stride for success, reach the top of the ladder and be the #Boss we’ve dreamed of. All with broken foundations, shaky life ethic, unspoken and unhealed trauma and lack of love and comfortability with our self.

Think about it.

If you were to describe you to someone else how many of us are confident to do it? When you are at home, alone and away from your phone what type of person are you? Our foundations are being broken down, cracks revealed and the lies are being pulled from underneath us to show we just aren’t as solid as we thought. We may have an idea about who we are as human beings, what makes us happy, what we want to stand for or what we even believe to be true but if I can speak for the masses, I’d say that we simply don’t know how to explain it, illustrate and embody it.

Identity and comfortability with yourself isn’t just a mental revelation but something that must be secured internally and externally as this life will surely test who you are and whose you are.

This blog is from one struggling, confidently lost, under construction millennial to the next who is seeking to not only rebuild what was lost but to continue building towards her destiny. I am choosing to be honest, to be transparent and willing to share my journey because I know I am not alone. I want to be empathetic and I want to influence people to really take their life back. You must first understand who you are, love who you are and accept and forgive your past so your future can be even better. Create, strengthen and maintain your foundation to identify your worth, your uniqueness and to confidently tell your story. Unapologetically.

I’m not here to give you the answers or portray this ideal that I have it right. I’m just here to show you that together, amongst like minded individuals, you have the opportunity to create the safe space you’ve been longing for. The safe space within you all along.